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Direction For Our Times USA

Lenten Preparation Bundle

Lenten Preparation Bundle

Regular price $21.95 USD
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This set contains Whispers from the Cross, Purgatory, Prayer and Forgiveness, and Volume Two. This bundle is perfect for anyone preparing for Lent or reading as part of their Lenten journey.

In Whispers from the Cross: Reclaiming the Church Through Personal Holiness, Anne directs our attention to the value of contemplating the Crucified Christ. This book contains locutions from Jesus about suffering and the crucifixion. Topics include: The Vertical Relationship, Divine Mercy, Temptations, Betrayal, The Stripping, Unity, Single Parent Lay Apostles, Silence, Chastity, The Stations of the Cross, Purity of the Church Visions, and Snapshots of Reality.

Purgatory Prayer and Forgiveness includes Anne's mystical experiences of Purgatory, accompanied by Jesus. The souls she meets there and the conditions they face will change forever your view of how God prepares souls for eternal joy in Heaven. Purgatory, you will discover, is one of God's greatest mercies. The book is divided into four parts: Anne's experiences of Purgatory, as taken from The Mist of Mercy; Heaven Speaks to Those Who Fear Purgatory; Heaven Speaks to Those Who Struggle to Forgive; Thoughtful Men and Women of God: A Guide to Contemplative Prayer. 

Volume Two contains messages recorded by Anne, ARK in August - September 2003 from Jesus with two from Mary, Our Blessed Mother. These messages were recorded by Anne in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament, the Eucharist. Jesus calls out to us from the depths of his Eucharistic heart which is bursting with love for us. He calls us back to him and gives specific direction on how to grow closer to him. 

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